Entry ni just nak tunjuk macam mana rupa HERBALIFE SHAKE ni hehe

strawberry flavour

dutch chocolate flavour

that's all for now..

CHILL!!!~ (^_^)

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Hey guys..!!!

Come and check out my RAMADHAN PROMOTION.

If anything just don't hesitate to call me or PM at 012-5789411/019-5780804 (^_^)
or you can just mail me at

Happy Fasting and Happy Ramadhan too!!

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My first testi will be from my KAKLONG..huhu..she was the one who recommended this HERBALIFE weight management program..thanks to her and HERBALIFE! (^_^)

APRIL 2008

*sila lihat pada butang2 cardigannya yang hendak tercabut..haaa tengok je dah boleh bayangkan betapa la sendatnye baju si kaklong ini...huhuhu~

(motif nk tnjuk bergmbar ngn farid kamil la tuh)

APRIL 2008

lihat lagi...(^_~)
(ngn vanidah imran plaks..lagi motif huhu)

APRIL 2008

lihat saja dari dekat..fuhhh!!!mak aiii...~dengan muka yang tidak berapa nak berseri huhu~
(ngn ntah sape2 ntah..diorg dtg london time nih..kt mesia xpenah jmp plaks..nk jmp pn kne g jauh hehe~ tp vee penah jmp kt mesia ;p )

MAY 2008

still dengan waist yang agak2 besar and thigh yg agak2 fara fauzana huhu~

MAY 2008

feela: sir, pls try HERBALIFE weight management program..u look bigger than me!! ;p

the man: LOL!!

MAY 2008

5 OCT 2008

yang ni turun 1kg sebab kaklong minum teh+limau and pergi sauna hehe~

21 OCT 2008

yes!!!lost another 2kg after a week she consumed the HERBALIFE weight management program (F1+F3+teamix) coz her hubby just brought from malaysia..hehe~

just see how this HERBALIFE weight management program helped her in losing+managing her weight..!!

Nov 2008

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

She tried to gain weight as everyone said that she's skinny.

Now, she is maintaining her weight (48-49kg) as 47 is underweight for her.

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the difference

Salam..i'm kat sini just wanna show u a bit difference on my face before and after i consumed the HERBALIFE shake..

pic #1 - nmpk tak my cheek yg tembam tu..

pic #2 - you can see my cheek bone after few months i consumed this product..

just try and believe's proven!!~

don't hesitate to try this product and just ring me if you need one..


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